Shelter Revitalization Project: Building a Pawsitive Future
If any businesses are willing to give in-kind services or donations for the upcoming renovations, upgrades and improvements to the animal care facility on Hwy 55. The LHS is looking for things such as:
Donating Labour (provide description of anticipated labour)
Donating Equipment (provide description of work being completed including type of equipment)
Donating Material / Services (provide description of services)
Please contact the LHS and/or send details about in-kind donations/services on your company letterhead.
You can mail your letters to:
Lakeland Humane Society
PO Box 202
Cold Lake AB T9M 1P1
You can also drop off letters in person, or ">e-mail. Contact the LHS at 780.594.1896 if you have questions.

Please e-mail or call 780-594-1896 for more information.
Phone: 780.594.1896
Lakeland Humane Society
43017 Hwy 55 W, PO Box 202
Cold Lake, AB T9M 1P1
Lakeland Humane Society
43017 Hwy 55 W, PO Box 202
Cold Lake, AB T9M 1P1
Adoption and Viewing Hours
1:00pm - 4:30pm daily
Farm and Feed Store
10:00am - 5:00pm daily