The Lakeland Humane Society cares for over 600 animals each year and pays for its operations from donations from the public throughout the Lakeland communities. As we do not receive government funding, we rely heavily on the continuous support from our generous donors in our community. Your donations have helped the Lakeland Humane Society become a safe haven for animals in the region. The LHS could not operate without your generous support.

Registered Charitable No. 881914725RR0001

Click HERE to download and print our wish list!

Our continued existence depends on the generosity of our donors who support our mission of saving the lives of homeless animals. People helping people help animals. We are always working toward a more humane society through our efforts.

There are many ways to donate. Please DONATE today.

Your tax-deductible contributions will let us provide a safe haven, food, and tender loving care to the homeless animals who rely on us. To really see how your donations help the animals thrive, you can watch this video to see what a day at the LHS is like:

Please e-mail or call 780-594-1896 for more information.

Think of your own way to benefit the animals.

Phone: 780.594.1896

Email Us

Lakeland Humane Society
43017 Hwy 55 W, PO Box 202
Cold Lake, AB  T9M 1P1

Lakeland Humane Society
43017 Hwy 55 W, PO Box 202
Cold Lake, AB  T9M 1P1

Adoption and Viewing Hours
1:00pm - 4:30pm daily

Farm and Feed Store

 10:00am - 5:00pm daily