Mission Statement

In cooperation with local communities, the Lakeland Humane Society provides a safe haven for animals, while promoting responsible pet ownership, a concern for animal welfare, a compassion for all living things and their environment, and a commitment to make a difference.

The Lakeland Humane Society operates independently of all other animal organizations and humane societies. We are members of the Alberta SPCA and the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies.

The Alberta SPCA does not operate an animal shelter but does enforce the animal protection laws in the areas of Alberta other than Edmonton and Calgary. The Lakeland Humane Society does not have the right to enforce laws so all complaints are forwarded to the Alberta SPCA or the RCMP.

Canadian Federation of Humane Societies acts as an information source to many of the humane societies across Canada.

The City of Cold Lake, MD of Bonnyville No. 87 and the Village of Pierceland are responsible for Animal Control. This includes picking up strays and answering domestic animal complaints. The Lakeland Humane Society is not responsible for Animal Control.

Please be aware that the Lakeland Humane Society does not receive any part of donations or funding sent to these organizations.

2017 Lakeland Business of the Year Award – Outstanding Not for Profit Winner

Thank you so much for the nomination and community support that allowed the Lakeland Humane Society to win the 2017 Outstanding Not for Profit Business of the Year Award!

Please e-mail or call 780-594-1896 for more information.

Phone: 780.594.1896

Email Us

Lakeland Humane Society
43017 Hwy 55 W, PO Box 202
Cold Lake, AB  T9M 1P1

Lakeland Humane Society
43017 Hwy 55 W, PO Box 202
Cold Lake, AB  T9M 1P1

Adoption and Viewing Hours
1:00pm - 4:30pm daily

Farm and Feed Store

 10:00am - 5:00pm daily